HR Committee – 9 January 2025

Gender Pay Gap Report


For information



Executive Summary

To provide a report on our Gender Pay Gap data for the period ending 31 March 2024 showing that the gender pay gap is decreasing


That HR Committee note the contents of the report

Reasons for recommendation(s)

Employers with 250 or more employees are required to publish gender pay gap information on a yearly basis. Data must be published on the Government Equalities website and on an individual organisations’ website



Portfolio Holder(s)

Councillor Jeremy Heron – Finance and Corporate

Strategic Director(s)

Alan Bethune

Officer Contact

Jade Carter

Payroll Manager

02380 285947


Introduction and Background

1.           What data do we report on


For the Gender Pay Gap there are six categories that need to be measured. These are shown in more detail in the attached Appendix:


·           The percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter

·           The difference in mean (average) hourly pay for men and women, expressed as a percentage

·           The difference in the median hourly pay for men and women, expressed as a percentage

·           The percentage of men and women who received bonus pay

·           The difference in mean bonus pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage

·           The difference in median bonus pay of men and women expressed as a percentage.


Our Data for Year Ended 31/3/2024

2.           NFDC’s data for 2024 is as follows. As at 31.03.2024 there were 805 employees. 13 employees had two posts and 1 employee had three posts, making a total of 820 posts. 21 posts were excluded for the pay information as they were not on full pay, information should only be based on full pay relevant employees. All relevant employees were included for bonus calculations.

3.           A positive gender pay gap percentage shows that women have lower pay or bonuses than men in our organisation. A negative percentage shows that men have lower pay or bonuses than women in our organisation.

4.           The percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quartile are shown here, with last years figures for comparison.



March 2024


March 2023


March 2024


March 2023

Upper Hourly Quartile

125 (62.8%)


74 (37.2%)


Upper Middle Hourly Quartile

112 (56%)


88 (44%)


Lower Middle Hourly Quartile

76 (38%)


124 (62%)


Lower Hourly Quartile

147 (73.5%)


53 (26.5%)



·           A standard mean male hourly rate of £17.44 (£16.63 in March 2023)

·           A standard mean female hourly rate of £17.32 (£16.32 in March 2023)

A difference of 12p – 0.7% (A difference of 31p, 1.9% in March 2023).


·           A standard median male hourly rate of £15.68 (£14.84 in March 2023)

·           A standard median female hourly rate of £15.41 (£14.40 in March 2023)

A difference of 27p – 1.7% (A difference of 44p, 3% in March 2023).

7.           The percentage of men that received bonus pay is 2.34% and the percentage of women that received a bonus is 4.58%.

8.           The mean gender pay gap using Bonus pay is 0.05%.

9.           The median gender pay gap using bonus pay is 0%.

10.       Our Ethnicity Data is as follows:



Asian (Inc Chinese)










Not Known



This information is drawn from the ITrent HR Hub system and is input by employees on a voluntary basis. Employees are encouraged on a regular basis to update their personal information

As yet there is no formal requirement to publish ethnicity data, as our subgroup for reporting on is less than 50, we have taken account of the advice on and not sought to break the data down further.

11.       Mean Gender Pay Gap


New Forest – 1.9%

Mean for All English single tier and county councils – 4%

Sample size – 151


12.       Median Gender Pay Gap

New Forest – 3%

Mean for All English single tier and county councils – 3.3%


13.       Lower Quartile

New Forest

Males in lower quartile – 74.5%     Females in lower quartile – 25.5%

Mean for All English single tier and county councils

Males in lower quartile – 31.2%     Females in lower quartile – 68.8%


14.       Lower Middle Quartile


New Forest

Males in lower middle quartile – 38.8%

Females in lower middle quartile – 61.2%


Mean for All English single tier and county councils

Males in lower middle quartile – 31.5%

Females in lower middle quartile – 68.5%


15.       Upper Middle Quartile


New Forest

Males in upper middle quartile – 50.5%

Females in upper middle quartile – 49.5%


Mean for All English single tier and county councils

Males in upper middle quartile – 33.5%

Females in upper middle quartile – 66.5%




16.       Female Staff in Upper Quartiles





New Forest

Females in upper middle quartile – 58%

Females in upper quartile – 42%


Mean for All English single tier and county councils

Females in upper middle quartile – 51%

Females in upper quartile – 49%.


Conclusions of 2023 Comparison Data

17.       From the data available it is clear that the Median and Mean percentages of our gender pay gap are lower than the comparators.  It can also be seen from points 5 and 6 that difference between the mean and median hourly pay for males and females is closer to 0% than in the previous year.  This shows that our gender pay gap is decreasing.

18.       The percentage of males in the lower quartile is higher than those of the comparators. One explanation could be that not all comparators deliver an in house refuse service.  Another explanation could be that other authorities have responsibilities in Adult and Social care which tend to have a higher proportion of female staff in caring roles.


Corporate plan priorities

19.       To ensure fair wages to support the council’s ambition of being an employer of choice.

Options appraisal

20.       No recommendations, this report if for information only

Consultation undertaken

21.       None.

Financial and resource implications

22.       None.

Legal implications

23.       None.

Risk assessment

24.       Not required.

Environmental / Climate and nature implications

25.       None.

Equalities implications

26.       The council will continue to keep under review its position in relation to gender pay.

27.       As pointed out in point 10, as our dataset for ethnic minorities is less than 50, we have not sought to break this down further. However, we will continue to encourage those who have no ethnicity recorded on the HR Hub to update their details.

Crime and disorder implications

28.       None.

Data protection / Information governance / ICT implications

29.       None.


Background Papers:

Appendix 1 – GPG Methodology

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